2021 - Now
A retrospective on system mapping in design.
Design History of Systems Theory
An interview on the difference between using data and intuition in design.
On Data & Intuition
An interview on the latent narratives that frames designs for the disabled.
On Help
An analysis of how symptoms are transformed into symbols to resolve the split self.
Transforming Symptoms into Symbols
An analysis of how ritual spaces release collective trauma in cases of war and land dispossession.
Ritual Spaces of Healing
An analysis of how stadiums are gifted in return for nuclear energy: environmental injustice in rural Japan and the spatial distribution of risk.
Fukushima Nuclear Power Disaster
An analysis of how early Chinese propaganda utilized Guy Debord's notion of the spectacle to establish nationhood within the psychical space of the home.
Spectacle in Speculative China
A giant underground rainstick.
A digital storefront for Mexican & South African sellers.
A set of scripts for generating drawings of seating venue maps.
2013 - 2015
A set of terracotta veil facade concepts for a soccer stadium in California.
2013 - 2015
A site analysis of baseball stadiums across Texas.
2013 - 2015
A set of interiors for camp dormitories in woodsy Northern California.
2013 - 2015
An extension of a campus gym that is informed with user research on student needs.
2013 - 2015
A set of studies showing how a new arena for a historic Seattle team will benefit the citizens of Seattle.
2013 - 2015
A renovation to technically upgrade the home of a championship NBA team.
2011 - 2013
A set of designs for helping children feel like they are outside amongst the trees.
2011 - 2013
A manual check of many ceiling anchors throughout hospitals in Los Angeles.